International Bachelor Degree Program of Industry-Academia Collaboration 2024~2025 Academic Year
壹、招生系別資訊 Program Information
一、招生系別及名額Programs & Quota
入學學期 Admissions semester |
系組名稱 Department |
招生名額 Quota |
招生國籍 Nationality |
授課語言 Language |
113學年度第1學期 Fall Semester 2024~2025 Academic Year |
精密機械與工業工程系 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
40 |
越南、印尼 Vietnam、Indonesia |
中文教學 |
行銷與流通管理系 Marketing and Logistics Management |
40 |
越南、印尼 Vietnam、Indonesia |
中文教學 |
觀光與休閒事業管理系 Tourism and Leisure Management |
40 |
越南、印尼 Vietnam、Indonesia |
中文教學 |
113學年度第2學期 Spring Semester 2024~2025 Academic Year |
旅館管理系 Hotel Management |
40 |
越南、印尼 Vietnam、Indonesia |
中文教學 |
資訊管理系 Information Management |
40 |
越南、印尼 Vietnam、Indonesia |
中文教學 |
航空暨運輸服務管理系 Airline and Transport Service Managmenet |
40 |
中文教學 | |||
注意事項Notice |
二、修業年限及畢業應修學分Years of Study and Required Credits:
一、外國學生身分(International Student Status):
- 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,並不具僑生資格者。International students shall be defined as individuals who have never held Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality nor have had Overseas Chinese student status.
- 具外國國籍且符合下列規定,於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者,得申請入學。(秋季班入學者年計算以2024年8月1日為終日計算; 春季班入學者以2025年2月1日為終日計算。)Individuals who hold foreign nationalities and have stayed abroad for more than 6 years (for Fall Semester up to August 1st; for Spring semester February 1st , 2025) and who are qualified for one of the following situations are considered as international students.
- 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。Individuals holding both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities but have never had household registration in Taiwan.
- 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部 許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年(秋季班入學計算至 2024年8 月1日,春季班入學計算至2025年2月1日)。Individuals holding foreign nationality and once had R.O.C. nationality but his or her household registration had been revoked by the Ministry of Interior for at least 8 years (up to August 1st , 2024 for Fall Semester; February 1st , 2025 for Spring semester)
- 前兩款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學,且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發。依教育合作協議,由外國政府、機關或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民,其自始 未曾在臺設有戶籍者,經主管教育行政機關核准者,不受此規定。The above individuals who have never held Overseas Chinese student status or studied in Taiwan nor have received a student status by University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese in the enrollment year. Students who are recommended by foreign governments, organizations, or schools, according to educational cooperation agreements, are approved by the educational supervisory institutions, and have never held Republic of China (Taiwan) household registration.
- 上述所稱海外,指大陸地區、香港及澳門以外之國家或地區;所稱連續居留, 指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾 120 日。連續居留海外採計期間之起迄年度非屬完整曆年者,以各該年度之採計期間內在國內停留期間未逾 120 日予以認定。但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者,不在此限;其在國內停留期間,不併入海外居留期間計算:The term “overseas" as prescribed in Paragraph 2 is limited to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; the term “ reside overseas continuously" means that an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. The only 6 exceptions to this method of calculation are for those who fulfill one of the following requirements with written supportive proof:
- 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練專班。Attended overseas youth training courses organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or technique training classes accredited by the Ministry of Education.
- 就讀教育部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心,合計未滿二年。 Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese language center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit students overseas.
- 交換學生,其交換期間合計未滿二年。Spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student.
- 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習,實習期間合計未滿二年。Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to undertake with the approval of the designated central competent authority.
- 外國學生須符合教育部採認之高中、大學或獨立學院畢業者(請參考教育部國際及兩岸教育司網站)。International students must have graduated from a senior high school, a university orindependent college recognized by the Ministry of Education (Please refer to the website of the Department of International and Cross-Strait Education, Ministry of Education. //www.edu.tw/bicer/). Applicants who apply for this bachelor's degree must have a foreign senior high school diploma.
- 具有教育部「入學大學同等學力認定標準」與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者The applicants has the qualification to be equivalent to the academic qualifications of Taiwan's academic system based on“Equivalent Education Level for University Admission" regulated by Ministry of Education.
- 年齡Age:十八歲(含)以上二十四歲(含)以下者為限,秋季班入學者年齡之計算以2024年8月1日為終日計算; 春季班入學者年齡之計算以2025年2月1日為終日計算。The applicant should be older than 18 years but younger than 24 years old for Fall Semester up to August 1st; for Spring semester February 1st , 2025).
參、報名申請方式How to Apply:
- 網路報名 Apply on line:
- 報名期限Application deadline:
- 秋季班Fall Semester: 自2024年5月1日(星期三) 09:00起至2024年6月30日(星期日)17:00止。The online application for will be open from 09:00 May 1st , 2024 to 17:00 June 30th , 2024.
- 春季班Spring Semester:自2024年11月1日(星期五) 09:00起至2024年11月29日(星期五)17:00止。The online application will be open from 09:00 November 1st , 2024 to 17:00 November 29th , 2024.
- 報名網址Apply on line : https://saip.vnu.edu.tw/admission/
肆、報名申請繳交資料Required Documents
- 應繳資料
- 繳交資料檢查表Check List for Application Materials(附件一Appendix I)。
- 入學申請表一份(附貼二寸半身照片)Application Form(附件二Appendix II)。
- 同意具結書一份Declaraion(附件三Appendix III)。
- 學歷證明文件及成績單:Diploma & Transcripts
- 高中(含)以上畢業學歷畢業證書或同等學力證明文件及歷年成績單一份(中、英文以外之語文,應附經公證之中文或英文譯本),高中學業成績平均未達6.0以上者將不予受理報名。Certificates and transcripts of the highest degree or equivalent of the overseas school (A notarized copy of a Chinese or English translation is required if the original diploma & Transcripts are in a language other than Chinese or English.) A proof of transcript (application will not be accepted if applicants’ grade point average of high school not reach 6.0)
- 本校對於申請者所繳交之學歷證明文件認定有疑義時,得要求補繳經駐外使館處驗證之證明文件。If the university has any doubts about the academic qualification documents, university may request applicants to submit the documents verified by the foreign representative office of the R.O.C..
- 持大陸地區學歷者:應依大陸地區學歷採認辦法規定辦理。Academic credentials from Mainland China: The Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Schools in Mainland China shall apply.
- 持香港或澳門學歷者:應依香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法規定辦理。Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: Academic Credential Verification and Accreditation Methods adopted in Hong Kong and Macao shall apply.
- 持其他地區學歷者: 應依據教育部「報考大學同等學力認定標準」、「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」等規定辦理。Academic credentials earned at schools excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland shall be subject to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education.
- 應屆畢業生,未能於報名時檢附學歷(力)資格證明者,得以在學證明(由就讀高中學校出具中文或英文版之在學證明)准予先行報名,經錄取報到時須繳交學歷(力)資格證明Graduating students are not required to hand in their diploma during the application process. However, if admitted, diplomas must be submitted at the time of registration; otherwise, student’s admissions offer will be revoked.
- 財力證明Financial Statement:至少足夠在臺就學一學期之財力證明(金額至少需為美金US$3,000或越南盾80,000,000.00)。Financial statement that demonstrates financial sustainability for study in Taiwan (The Amount must be at least USD$3,000 or VND 80,000,000.00)
- 中文或英文留學計畫書一份(附件四Appendix IV)Statement of Study Plan。
- 語文能力證明一份Language (Chinese or English) certificate,TOCFL 華語文測驗基礎級(A2等級)或TOEIC 225分以上之證明。如未達TOCFL 華語文測驗基礎級(A2等級)者,將由本校經教育部認可之華語教學中心開設華語課程輔導華語能力。The certificate of Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL) Level A2 or TOEIC 225。 Applicants do not have the qualifications of Chinese language proficiency level A2 (inclusive) must take the Chinese Learning program when enrollement.
- 外國學生申請人在臺就學檢核表及切結書一份Checklist and Declaration for International Applicants undertaking Studies in Taiwan(附件五Appendix V)。
- 國籍證明相關文件或護照影本Copy of Passport。
- 其他申請注意事項Other Important Notices for Application
- 申請人不曾以僑生身份在中華民國就讀。Applicant has never studied in the ROC as an Overseas Chinese student.
- 外國學生申請來臺就學,以一次為限。International students applying for schools in Taiwan shall be limited to one application only.
- 申請以一系為限,申請人應注意申請資格。Applicants can apply for only one department and should make sure that they are qualified by checking all criteria provided by the department.
- 外國學生在我國就讀外國僑民學校或我國高級中等學校附設之雙語部(班)畢業者,得持該等學校畢業證書及歷年成績證明文件。International students who have graduated from private high schools, lower grade schools for international residents in Taiwan, bilingual programs affiliated with senior high schools, or from a foreign curriculum department and classes at private senior high schools or below must submit credentials and transcripts for each academic semester to apply for admission.
- 依教育部規定,外國學生凡曾遭國內大專院校以操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者,不得再經由本管道申請入學。違反此規定並經查證屬實者,撤銷其所獲准入學資格。International students who have been forced to withdraw from any educational institution in Taiwan are not allowed to apply for admission. Should any applicant be determined to have withdrawn from any educational institute in Taiwan, the applicant’s student status will be revoked immediately.
- 為避免權益受損,入學申請表所填寫之資料應清楚無誤,否則因此無法通知而延誤時間或其他相關聯絡事項,其後果由學生自行負責。All the submitted application information should be clear and without mistakes. Applicants should be held fully responsible for any consequences arising from errors in application materials.
- 學生須自行檢查各項資料是否齊全,如有資料不齊全或因平信寄遞發生遺失而無法完成報名及延誤等情事,考生應自行負責。Applicants should check all the required documents fully submitted to Vanung University. If any of the above documents are incomplete or delayed by postal delivery, causing the application to be incomplete, the applicants should be fully responsible for the consequences.
- 報名所填之各項資料及繳交證明文件,若與事實不符者,則取消其錄取及入學資格;入學後始被發現者,則依本校學則開除其學籍,亦不發給任何學歷證明;如將來在本校畢業後始發現者,除勒令繳銷其學位證書外,並公告取消其畢業資格。All the submitted application documents should be accurate and valid. If any of the above documents are found to be false, the applicants should be expelled and their diploma revoked if graduated.
- 凡報名本招生者即表示同意授權本校依個人資料保護法規定,取得並保管考生個人資料,在辦理招生事務之目的下,進行處理及利用。本校將善盡善良保管人之義務與責任,妥善保管考生個人資料,僅提供招生相關工作目的使用。放榜時錄取生之個人姓名將會以全名顯示於榜單上,且錄取生資料將移轉至學籍管理單位使用。Applicants, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, will allow VNU to use their personal information for application and enrollment at VNU. VNU will keep applicants’ personal information for the use of enrollment evaluation only. By submitting the application forms, applicants grant the school use of their personal information in aspects related to enrollment. Applicants’ full names will be shown on the list of successful candidates. Their personal information will then be transferred to Registration.
- 招生糾紛申訴案件由主辦試務單位指派專人受理,必要時得組成專案小組,並視申訴事件之性質,邀請法律顧問一同參與,負責協助處理考生所提之各項申訴案件。Appeal regarding recruitment dispute will be handled by the agent appointed by the host examination affairs office. A task force could be designated if it is necessary. Legal consultants would be invited to facilitate the process of appeal from the examinees.
- 依教育部規定,外國學生來臺就學後,其於就學期間許可在臺初設戶籍登記、戶籍遷入登記、歸化或回復中華民國國籍者,喪失外國學生身分,應予退學。International students will lose their international student status and shall be expelled from VNU if they obtain Taiwan residency or Republic of China citizenship status during their course of study.
- 本簡章未規定事宜,悉依教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法、本校外國學生入學招生規定、教務章則及招生委員會決議辦理。Any details not mentioned or regulated in this prospect must conform to the laws or policy of the Ministry of Education, Vanung University Admission Committee, and Vanung University Academic Affairs Division.
- 為協助儘速融入本校生活,經本升學管道入學本校之學生一律安排學校宿舍住宿,並提供首次抵臺將提供接機服務。In order to facilitate the accommodation to campus life, internation students will be arranged to live on campus according to Dormitory Managementpolicy, and will be provided with an airport pick-up service at the first time arrival in Taiwan.
- 入學許可並不保證簽證取得,簽證須由我國駐外館處核給。Acceptance letters or admissions notices do not guarantee visa issuance. Visas are approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
伍、甄選方式及錄取標準Scores Calculation
採計項目 Items |
評分標準 Description |
比率 Percentage |
滿分 Scores |
同分參酌比序 Same Final Scores |
書面資料 Application Form |
高中3年平均學業成績 (平均成績達到6分以上) A proof of high school transcript (at least 6.0 grade-point average) |
20% |
50分 |
2 |
TOCFL 華語文測驗成績 Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL) Score |
10% |
自傳及留學計畫書Autobiography & Study Plan |
10% |
其他有利文件(如英語語文證明、證照、獎狀等) Other favorable documents (such as English language certificates, certificates, certificates of merit, etc.) |
10% |
口試 Oral Test |
於越南辦理現場面試,面試時間地點將以Email通知 Oral Test will be conducted in on-site interviews. The time and place of interview wil lbe announced by Email.
50% |
50分 |
1 |