現在位置 :首頁 > 外國學生申請入學 Degree Program for International Students
繳交資料項目Application Materials

份數No. of copies

入學申請表(需黏貼照片) Two completed application forms. (Photos must be attached) 1
最高學歷畢業證書原文影本A copy of diploma of the highest academic degree 1


A English/Chinese translation of diploma

歷年成績單中文或英文譯本Official transcripts from the school from which you graduated—in English/Chinese 1
語言證明: 「 「華語文能力測驗」 (TOCFL)成績 A2 以上能力證明Language proficiency requirements: Chinese language proficiency: level TOCFL A2 or above. 1
中英文留學計畫書Study proposal in Chinese or English 1

最近 3 個月內經金融機構開具美金3,000 元或新臺幣10 萬元的財力證明,若財力證明非申請者帳戶,需檢附資助者之財力保證書並敘明資助者與申請者關係。

A financial statement issued within recent 3 months from a financial institution with a minimum balance of US$3,000 or NT$100,000, or proof of having a full scholarship or grant provided by a government, university, college, or private organization.

申請費Application Fee(Receipt of ROC post office remittance or money order in US dollars)  

入出國日期證明Entry/Exit Date Certificate

申請時已在臺灣境內者須前往移民署申請入出國日期證明 Those who are already in Taiwan at the time of application must submit Entry/Exit Date Certificate

其他各系/所另訂應附繳之文件 Other documents required by the related departments and colleges. 1
護照或身份證影本A copy of passport or ID 1
申請時已在臺灣境內者須另提供居留證或簽證影本Those who are already in Taiwan at the time of application must submit a copy of the Alien Resident Certificates or visa. 1