現在位置 :首頁 > 境外新生資訊 Admission information for Overseas Student



請注意,持有學校入學許可,不代表即可獲本國核發簽證。Please be aware that obtaining a school admission permit does not guarantee the issuance of a Resident Visa.


  • 僑生/外國學生 
  1. 錄取學生應於來臺就學前,備妥所需相關證照及文件,自行前往所在地之中華民國外交部所設之外交領事辦事處,辦理入臺居留簽證。
  2. 入境中華民國之簽證手續與所在地之中華民國外交領事辦事處申辦窗口之地址、電話等相關資訊,請至中華民國外交部領事事務局(Bureau of Consular Affairs, BOCA)


  • Overseas Chinese students/International Students


Please apply for Resident Visa in your own country for entering Taiwan. Make sure you have all the necessary documents required and have sufficient time (at least one month) for visa application. For more details on Bureau of Consular Affairs


  •  簽證類別 Visa Type: 外國學位生來台應申請「居留簽證Resident Visa」, 而非「停留(觀光)簽證 Visitor Visa」。For degree students, please apply for Resident Visa.


  • 如所核發的簽證為「停留簽證 Visitor Visa」者,請確認「註記」處要標示「FS」(代表外國學生)。If you are only granted for Visitor Visa, make sure the Remarks indicating “FS” for “Foreign Student”.


  • 港澳生    
  • 請參閱入境資訊辦理入台證