現在位置 :首頁 > 境外新生資訊 Admission information for Overseas Student

保險費Insurance premiums

  • ​​​​​學生團體保險Student accident insurance 
  1. 學生團體保險費每學期約新台幣310-330元,依當學期承保單位收費標準調整。Student Accident Insurance is compulsory for All students. The payment of this insurance fee is regarded as part of the enrollment process for each semester. The cost of this insurance is NTD 310-330 per semester (according to the insurance company)
  2. 保險範圍內,以下情形,皆可獲得保險理賠:

  • 因疾病或遭遇意外傷害事故,以致身故、殘障或需要住院治療者。
  • 因意外傷害事故,門診就醫者。
  • 因疾病,施行門診手術者
  • 保險理賠必須於發生日2年內,向學務處申請辦理。
  • It covers the accident, 20 diseases and injuries cases, but not includes the regular clinic. 
  • Please note: Student Accident Insurance only covers the accident and hospitalization for accident, but not includes the regular clinic.
  • Please submit the required documents to the office of Student Affairs to apply for the compensation within two years form the accident occurred:
  1. The original receipts of payment
  2. The original certificate of diagnosis
  3. Compensation Application Form
  4. Passport photocopy 
  5. ARC photocopy

  • 外國學生新生醫療保險Medical insurance

  1. 無全民健保外國學生新生或未具備全民健保之舊生必須被強制參加本校提供之「境外學生醫療保險」,由本校團體投保,目前由三商美邦保險公司承保,6個月保費共計新台幣3,000元(將列於註冊費內一併繳交)。Newly arrived students or who has not jointed National Health Insurance Program will enroll to the Group Medical Insurance. 
  2. 醫療保險費一次投保六個月,併入註冊費繳交,無退費。The Group Medical Insurance fee is non-refundable payment included in the tuition fee every semester. The cost is NTD 500 each month, payment per semester is NTD 3,000 (from September to February and March to August).
  3. 於台灣實際居留滿180天後,期間出境總天數未超過30天者,得符合將醫療保險改投全民健康保險,若新生需於暑假回家省親者,請確認往返機票日期,勿超過29天,以確保個人參加全民健保之權益。Students who have stayed in Taiwan for 180 days and have left Taiwan for fewer than 30 days in total are qualified for applying to the National Health Insurance program. When booking airplane tickets for going home during the winter vacation, students must pay attention to the total days of the trip (not to exceed 29 days) in order to be eligible for joining National Health Insurance program.
  4. 第二學期起若不符合參加全民健保資格者,必須依規定繼續購買醫療保險。Students who are ineligible for the National Health Insurance program in the following semester
    should pay for the medical insurance premiums according to the regulations.
  5. 因校外實習或工讀由其他機構投保全民健保之學生,需向國際交流組申請辦理醫療保險退保手續。Students with off-campus internship or work-study have already insured by other institutions for national health insurance must apply to the International Exchange office for medical insurance withdrawal procedures.
  • 理賠相關資訊:
  1. 門診給付相同症狀每日以一次為限,每日一次理賠上限為新台幣1,000元。
  2. 保險給付範圍:限於臺灣地區之醫療行為且醫療機構需為具有全民健康保險之診所。
  3. 門診費用須先行自付。
  4. 理賠應備文件:
  5. 所有就診收據正本
  6. 診斷書正本
  7. 保險理賠申請書(請向國際交流組索取填寫)
  8. 銀行存摺影本

  • For applying for the compensation, you need to bring the following listed documents to the division of International Exchange, Office of Academic Admission, and we will help you to submit them to insurance company:

  • For the same symptoms, the insurance company covers only one visit per day. The maximum coverage per visit is NTD 1,000.

  1. The original receipts of payment
  2. The original certificate of diagnosis
  3. Compensation Application Form (fill the form at the division of International Exchange)
  4. Passport photocopy 

ARC photocopy

  • 外國學生全民健康保險National Health Insurance

台灣政府法令規定凡外籍學生來台就學者,擁有居留證後並在臺居留滿六個月,指進入臺灣地區居留後,連續居住達六個月或曾出境一次未逾三十日,其實際居住期間扣除出境日數後,併計達六個月後,需在其就讀之學校或居住地區公所辦理參加全民健保,每個月須繳交NT$826,每學期收取6個月保費共計新台幣4,956元(將列於註冊費內一併繳交)According to National Health Insurance Act, any foreigner staying in Taiwan with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) over six months is obligated to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI.

  • The National Health Insurance premiums will be charged from the second semester on for the duration of 6 months. The monthly premium is approx. TWD 826 and the total amount for one-time charge is approx. TWD 4,956.


Note: The University may collect the insurance premiums along with the tuition and other
mandatory fees. Please refer to the website for more details on the National Health Insurance