現在位置 :首頁 > 境外新生資訊 Admission information for Overseas Student
  • 依據「萬能科技大學外國學生招生規定」,外國學生經核准入學後,到校報到時間最遲不得逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一,2024年秋季班最後入學報到期限為20241018Programs for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester will begin on September 9th 2024.  According to “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan ",Article 11, An international student must reports to register at the university within one-third of the way into the first semester of the current academic year (The latest date for registration of academic 2024 Fall semester is October 18th, 2024)。


  • 註冊繳費單將於報到時核發,您可以在抵達台灣後學校出納組以現金支付。 如果您無法於2024年9月8日到校報到,請提前通過電子郵件通知學校。 未按規定完成註冊的,學校將取消其錄取資格,並不得以任何理由要求採取補救措施。Tuition payment slips will be issued upon registration, and  can be paid at the division of cashier, office of general affaiir in cash after arrival in Taiwan. If you are unable to attend registration before  September 8th 2024, please send email to the division of International Exchange, OAA in advance.  Those failing to complete registration as required shall have their acceptance to the university rescinded and will not be allowed to require any remedial measures for any reason. 


  •    報到時間 Time of Registration :


        錄取新生於2024/8/16~2024/9/10  09:00~16:00 來校報到。

        Time of Registration for 2024 Fall semester  is from August 16th ~ September, 10th, 2024 

         Monday to Friday 09:00~16:00.  


  • 報到地點 Location of Registration : 教務處國際交流組辦公室(行政大樓A104辦公 室) Division of International Exchange, Office of Academic Admission (A104, Administration Building)


  • 報到應繳文件 Required documents for degree students:


 外國學生International Students


  • 入學通知書 Original Letter of Acceptance
  • 護照正本Original passport  (with “resident visa of ROC” on it)
  • 畢業證書及歷年成績單正本Original degree certificate and transcripts  (please provide verified in English or in Chinese)
  • 個人證件照片*3張  3 pieces  2-inch (3.5 cm X 4.5 cm) ID photos  
  • 德國麻疹及麻疹三合一疫苗施打證明內容需有施打日期及疫苗批號,如未出具合格證明者,將要求自行前往醫療機構施打疫苗後再進行健康檢查。Measles and Rubella Vaccination Certificates. The Certificates must include the date of vaccination and the vaccine batch number. If the certificate is not submitted, you will be asked to the medical institution to get vaccinated in order to complete international student residence health examination.

    僑生及港澳生Overseas Chinese Students / HK & Macao students


  • 入學通知書 Original Letter of Acceptance (海外聯招會分發學生,請繳交分發通知單Certificate of University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students)
  • 護照正本Original passport  (with “resident visa of ROC” on it)
  • 畢業證書及歷年成績單正本Original degree certificate and transcripts  (please provide verified in English or in Chinese)
  • 個人證件照片*3張  3 pieces  2-inch (3.5 cm X 4.5 cm) ID photo  or with jpg file.
  • 香港學生必須另外繳交僑居地身分證正本 Identification card from your country (only for Hongkong/Macau Students)
  • 香港、澳門學生來台後須申請台灣地區居留證,若你已滿 20 歲,請於註冊時攜帶「香港或澳門警察紀錄證明書」(良民證)。HK & Macao students need to apply for ARC as well; if you’re over 20 years old, please provide “Certificate of No Criminal Conviction” (CNCC).
  • 德國麻疹及麻疹三合一疫苗施打證明內容需有施打日期及疫苗批號,如未出具合格證明者,將要求自行前往醫療機構施打疫苗後再進行健康檢查。Measles and Rubella Vaccination Certificates. The Certificates must include the date of vaccination and the vaccine batch number. If the certificate is not submitted, you will be asked to the medical institution to get vaccinated in order to complete international student residence health examination.


  • Contact: Miss Hsu,  office number: +886-3-4515811 #21401