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Work Permit Notice / 工作許可注意事項


  • 境外生打工應申請工作許可證,工作時間除寒暑假外,每星期最長為20小時。(就業服務法第43條及第50條)Overseas students must apply for a work permit to work in Taiwan. Overseas students are not permitted to work more than 20 hours per week, except during the winter and summer vacations. (See Article 43 and Article 50 of the Employment Service Act.)
  • 未經許可在臺工作,應處新臺幣3萬元以上15萬元以下罰鍰,並即令其出國,不得再於我國境內工作;屆期不出國者,入出國管理機關得強制出國,於未出國前,入出國管理機關得收容之。(就業服務法第68條第1項、第3項及第4項規定)A student who works without a valid work permit will be fined an amount between NTD 30,000 and NTD 150,000, and the person will immediately be ordered to leave Taiwan and will not be permitted to work in Taiwan in future. If the person then fails to leave Taiwan within the specified period, the national entry and exit administrative authority may enforce their departure and may hold the person in detention until they depart. (See Paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of Article 68 of the Employment Service Act.)
  • 工作場所應為安全且合法營業場所,工作內容不得妨礙身心正常發展。The workplace should be a safe and legal, and Students shall prohibit undertaking dangerous or abnormal work or other work that will harm their physical and mental health.
  • 如涉在臺非法工作,依本校學生獎懲規定,視情節予以處分。An international student who works in Taiwan illegally will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the regulations of the college/university governing student awards and penalties and depending on the circumstances of the case.

申請工作許可應備文件Required Document for applying work permit

  1. Copy of valid Passport
  2. Copy of Student ID (must has the Registration stamp on the back) or certificate of study for the current semester

工作許可申請流程Application Procedure  for applying work permit

Apply on line, please login to the website of workforce development agency EZ work permit