現在位置 :首頁 > 境外學生身分類別Student Status

港澳生身分申請入學的學生,需符合教育部公布最新「香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法」規定。 Hong Kong or Macau student must meet the requirements stated in the Regulations for Hong Kong and Macao Residents Studying in Taiwan (Chinese version only).


港澳生身分規定 Hong Kong and Macao Student Statu Regulations: 

  1. 香港或澳門居民,取得港澳永久居留資格證件。The applicant is a resident of Hong Kong or Macau, and have obtained permanent residence permits for Hong Kong and Macau
  2. 最近連續居留境外6年以上者。The applicant must have resided in Hong Kong, Macau or offshore continuously for more than 6 years.

    ***前項所定六年,以擬入學當學期起始日期(八月三十一日)為終日計算之。The periods of six years  shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (August 31) as the end date of the period.                                                                                  

  3. ***境外: 指臺灣地區以外之國家或地區 The term “overseas” refers to countries or regions other than Taiwan.

    ***所稱連續居留: 指華裔學每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日。連續居留海外採計期間之起迄年度非屬完整曆年者,以各該年度之採計期間內在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日予以認定。The term “reside overseas continuously” means that an overseas Chinese student has stayed in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of consecutive years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any time spent in Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days.

    前往港澳生申請入學資訊 For more detail about   Hong Kong & Macao Students admission